Monday, July 28, 2008

Flicking around

After having a good look around Flickr at all the awesome images - there are so many to choose from - I decided to upload this one of some Irish dancers. I used the Manukaulearn username and password to gain access to Flickr and that was easy enough. I like it when things work! I looked at tags and joined a group. What did I learn? You can upload photos from your camera or phone onto Flickr and edit them etc. Quite a neat tool and one I may use in the future.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Week four - but wait there's more...

I've joined Librarything - joined up to a couple of lists but am yet to add my books to a list - hopefully I'll find some time to do that this week.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Week three

Well that was interesting - I made my way through the generator blog and tried a few on the way. Now I am insulted - the cartoon character I am most like is Homer Simpson (the character I most dislike), my lifelong partner looked like Meatloaf, and the sport I would suit most is golf - wrong, all wrong. But, being the good Catholic girl I am (not), I decided to find out my Nun's name - Sister Eloise Craprag. Now, when I was at school - St Anne's in Manurewa, we had some Nun's who would have fitted that description... except they looked meaner than Sister Eloise... so, if you want to find out your Nun's name, have a go and let me know what yours is. The link is above - that's heaven's above!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Phew - week two!

WELL, luckily for me, we were having a re-vamp in our area (new desks, but that's another story), and I got to spend a bit of time doing my challenges - (brings back memories of being at Brownies & Girl Guides and earning badges!!) anyway, after a bit of tooing and froing I think I managed to subscribe to some RSS feeds which hopefully will appear on my blog! It really has opened up a whole new world and there are sooo many RSS's to subscribe to, you name it - it's there. Below you will see my URL - I only managed to get this with a lot of help from some kind un-named persons!

Too-wit-too-woo (Brownie sign-off)